Laura Kuhl
I am Laura Kuhl, a fourth-generation psychic medium based in Madison, WI. I don’t work alone; this wonderful energy comes from God, the Universe, Source, Spirit, or whatever you like to call it. It’s within you, too, and I can help you find that knowledge.
The work we do together will help you learn more about yourself. My readings are filled with healing energy, powerful insight, and joyful laughter. I believe that through my readings, you will heal and find the answers you have been looking for.
I have lived in Madison, Wisconsin, for thirty years. Madison is a spiritually powerful place, and I am grateful that my journey has brought me here. I am excited to share my blessings and gifts with you. I look forward to meeting and working with you soon.
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Laura Kuhl's great grandmother and her two sisters.

When Laura was in her early 30’s she had a conversation with her parents about going into business as a healer. She has been told by numerous psychics that she too was a healer — not knowing what this meant or why she was talking and seeing spirit. Laura’s parents told her that she was indeed a healer and that the gift was generational and that she was the 4th in a line of healers. The first known healer, was her Great Grandmother Jortzig. (pictured on the far right, with her two sisters)
Great Grandmother Jortzig
Laura’s great grandmother (the first generation) was a German immigrant who lived in Lake Mills, Wis. and the people in that area had no doctors and so would go to Grandmother Jortzig for healing. Grandmother Jortzig spoke only German and was in-tune with mother earth and spirit. She would help people for miles around with all different aliments.

Fred Kuhl

Then, the next generation no males were born, so the gift descended to Laura’s father, Fred Kuhl. Fred was told at 9 years of age he, too, was a healer. Heavily influenced at the time by modern-day religion, he was never trained or helped to tune into these gifts. Rather, his approach was to go to medical school. Fred struggled and decided to become a high school physical education teacher, as he loved football and sports of all kinds, and had a special affinity for children. His strict German upbringing helped make him a great leader. He was influential within his circle and highly respected within the community. Never fully understanding his gift, Fred had a strong faith with God and helped many students and community members without knowing his gift was being used.
Laura Kuhl
Then Laura was born, the youngest of her generation. As a child, seeing and hearing spirit was as natural as playing ball or running through her neighborhood. She thought everyone could sense and see and hear. Her constant questioning left her parents, friends and community exhausted and didn’t understand her deeply insightful way of seeing the world around her. At age 3 she told her mother that she would one day work for God, while reading her bible upside down.
It was funny at the time, but this is a memory Laura still holds close to her heart to this day. Then in her early 30’s, Laura met her first teacher, David Hassert. He helped guide and influence her for her first 10 years. Now, she is helping other intuitive people find their gifts and voice. She lives in Madison Wis. with her dogs, Spirit & Winston. She works out of her home, and invites you with open arms to sit down and go within to find what will emotionally and physically help you to love your life. Changes come from within; let her guide you into the life you are meant to live.